$fac|2-Spiders! Aaaargh! $fad $fae $faf $fae $fad $fac $fab $ffaAs yer lot might know (well, Freak does), I have got a VERY BAD case of Arachnaphobia... no that's spelt wrong.. maybe its... $fffAracknaphobia ....urmmm....or $dddAraknophobia ....hmmm... dunno.... $bbbAraknaphobia .... $affWell, in other words, I've got this thingy against spiders, and if I saw $afeone/ten/thirty (if I saw 30, I'd f`kin run!), you can bet I'd DESTROY it $afdwith one of my many arms which feature twin photon turrets which analyse $afcand autoconfig themselves for the type of target I require to DESTROY. $afbThere, I've let my secret out about my arms. Hopefully no-one will hold $afait against me. $afaIf they did, I'd use one of my numerous legs to morph into a tank with $bfaground-to-ground missiles and some ground-to-air missiles incase the $cfaarmy come round to my house and try to dis-assemble my portable rocket $dfalauncher that I have in my trousers just incase it is required. When my $efaleg (from an arsnal of many I might add) has morphed into that much $ffaproposed tank (because of the huge energy drain from my lithuim crystal, $ffbwhich I need to be at full power when I fight off the army) I'd $ffcsteam-roller over that person that held the secret about my arms against $ffdme. Anyway, back to the article.... $ffeYeh, is it the time of year or summat ? I haven't seen a spider for $fffAGES (only at Freak's place =}) and guess wot !? I saw THREE (yes! 3!) last night, in about a minute or so. Then I ran (yes Freak, it is possible) to my Amiga and typed in $faaRam Disk:> Code Name "Big Mutha" $fffThen my miggy started to shake violently (like my brain after watching $ffeNeighbours - whoops... . urmm... I DON'T WATCH NEIGHBOURS !!!!) and $ffdthere was a big glow of yellow light and some squelching sounds $ffc(oo-err!) and all these little elves jumped out of the CDROM drive and $ffbstarted to pour some sparkly pixxy dust onto the keyboard, in which my $ffamiggy started to shoot out beams of light. $fafThe room went bright white and then the elves started to shout to each other in elves' talk and they all jumped back into the CD drive. Then the room started to fade back down to it's normal light level. $ffaStood there right in front of me was a 6' 7" metalic big mutha quite $efanice tats actually. With the words "BIG MUTHA" written across them. $dfaThen we went outside and wiped-out the army and conquered the earth. $cfaAll because some bastard didn't like my arms. $fff -=- $acfSorry, I got carried away there. $cafDoesn't anyone know who to KILL (DESTROY) a spider without hitting them with something hard (as the spider leaves a stain on the wall) ? $fff I still can't find out where the elves live in my drive End...